How to Become A Better Player In Baseball? Learn To Be Your Own Coach

Let’s face it, no one can have a coach around all the time. That would be great…almost like carrying a little man in your pocket all day. That doesn’t happen nor is it necessary.

How to Advance to the Pro Level - Advice for Baseball Hitters

Question: My name is Gary, I have one more year before I graduate college and I am on the baseball team. I don’t know how to advance to the pro level but I know I need to hit better. I seem to get

The Role of Umpire in Youth Baseball

When you talk about tough jobs, there are Navy SEALs and then there are baseball umpires. Okay okay, guilty of another exaggeration, no offense to our armed forces, thank you for your service! But

Why Does Injury Rate Keep Rising In Baseball?

Photo: MLB pitcher Dustin McGowan had Tommy John surgery after six starts in Double-A   
Photo credit: Wikipedia  

Why Does Injury Rate Keep Rising In Baseball? Every day it