Duration Activities Video References
5 minutes Pre-Practice Discussions – Review last practice session/games/homework with coaches and team.
15 minutes Pre-Practice Warm-Ups – It is important to start all practices with a warm-up and set routine:
• Stretching (arm circles, rotational twists, hamstring & Quad stretches, and rocking side lunges)
• Jog/sprint running
• Warm-up throwing, including long-toss program
20 minutes Footwork, Body Control, Speed & Agility (station set-up in outfield)
• Running Mechanics- Developing proper acceleration, deceleration and explosion
• Creating & Developing Proper Angles to the Ball (infielders and outfielders)- from the “ready” position, shuffling your feet and changing direction
25 minutes Run Down Drills Sessions:
Session Reference #514
Session 1: Run Down Rotation
Session 2: Run Down Rotation Drill With Runner
Session 3: Run Down Rotation Drill with Runner and Tag
45 minutes Live Hitting – divide players into 3 or 4 hitting groups of no more that 3-4 players per group. Each hitter will get 3 round of 7-10 swings each round (based on time and number of players at practice)
Round 1: Balls hit up the middle or to right side of 2nd base
Round 2: Hit & Run scenarios, advance the runner to 2nd or 3rd base
Round 3: Getting runner in from 3rd base with less than 2 outs
Round 4: Free round (Get ‘em on, Get ‘em over & Get ’em in)• All players not hitting should be in outfield or infield shagging BP ballsPitcher/Catcher Bullpens- Each pitcher will throw a 30-40 pitch bullpen session with coach while both pitcher & catcher treat it as a live game situation pen.  They will simulate throwing to a real batter/batters and emphasize getting ahead in the count & hitting spots on the inside & outside corners of the plate


Activity Video References
For Pitchers: Continue mastering breaking and off-speed pitches


Drill Name Description
514 Run Down Drills

Session 1: Run Down Rotation

Split the team into equal groups of 5 players each, with 2 players approximately 30’-40’ apart from another 2 players. The coach will toss a ball to the first player on the right and will begin the run down. The player with the ball will begin running hard towards the first player in line the other end. The player with the ball should hold the ball in his throwing hand above should height. When the opposite defensive player yells “Ball” and the player with the ball will toss the ball to the other player. As the player tosses the ball they must get outside of the running lane and get behind the last player in line. Repeat this rotation until the players understand they must 1) run hard but under control, 2) has the above their shoulder height to make an accurate toss, and 3) must peel off out of the running lane once they have released the ball to avoid defensive interference if the runner runs into them.

Session 2: Run Down Rotation Drill With Runner

– Same as the drill above but with 5 players per group and executed approximately 50’-75’ apart with a runner located between the 2 groups of defensive players. One player will be between the two groups of players (the runner). The coach will toss a ball to the first player on the right and will begin the run down. The player with the ball will begin running hard at the runner towards the first player in line the other end. The player with the ball should hold the ball in his throwing hand above should height. As the runner gets near the other defensive player, the player will yell “Ball” and the player with the ball will toss the ball to the other player. As the player tosses the ball they must get outside of the running lane and get behind the last player in line.

Session 3: Run Down Rotation Drill with Runner and Tag

– Same as drill above at normal base distances of 90’, but executed like a game situation run down. Goal is to force an out in 2 twos or less. This can also be done as a team competition breaking up the team into 2 equal groups.

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